Sunday Roll Call

Open RNY May 7

235 / 153 / 153 / 145 5"6'
Highest / Lowest / Current / Goal
Good Morning Chris and the rest of IL!
I slept late this morning and just cuddled for a while with Mike and the pups! lol
Today I will be heading to the store to find a good carpet cleaner as the dogs have decided it would be fun to mark in the house lately and it's driving me CRAZY!!! Then it's home and homework time. The boys will all be back later this afternoon so I will try to enjoy some quiet time before it gets all noisy here again.
I will be calling the surgeon for my lump tomorrow too, it's back again. Found it while shaving my armpit this morning!!
Everyone have a wonderful and safe day!

Hey everyone,
I haven't been on too much this week. Its been kind of a crappy week for me. I am just depressed and sooo looking forward to my pschologist (sp) visit on Tuesday.
Monday was the one year anniversary of my sisters death. It still hasn't set in that she is gone. I pick up the phone to call her all the time.
I am from TN. All of my family is there and we have a home there as well. I haven't been back there since June and I am so home sick. My parents are older and in poor health. Everytime I hear my mom talk about not being able to get up and get herself a cup of coffee, I just want to quit work and move back home. I am so afraid that they are going to pass away while I'm up here. My daughter is graduating this year and I have fooled around with the idea of moving back. I just think that it would be stupid to leave before I'm fully vested in my pension at work. Dh and I had a great time while he was home. We just did goofy things and I laughed and lauged like I haven't done in years. Things were wonderful. We have had a really tough couple of years. Last year we saw a marriage counselor and she recommended that we get a divorce. Well, we stopped seeing her and worked more on communicating. Things will probably never be perfect with us, but we do have our moments. This week, I found something that he did that really hurt me. He doesn't think that its a big deal and doesn't understand or care that it hurt me. The outcome is going to be for me to live with it or leave, so I'm working on living with it. You know, when you have problems like this there really isn't anyone you can go to. Everyone would judge him and I would hate that because he is the man that I love, no matter what. I wonder if 1 hour will be long enough with the counselor. Oh well, thus my depresion. My baby girl went to turnabout last night. She was beautiful. I gave her money to buy their tickets, I thought since she had to ask perhaps she should also pay. Well, her date came up to her at school the next day and gave her the money for the tickets and said "I am the guy, I pay". I thought that was cute. They went for burgers at the local restaurant in town. He was such a gentleman. He arrived at our house a little early, but stayed in the car until he promptly rang the bell at 5. Nicole said that a special ed girl came up to him at the dance and asked him to dance and he said sure. She came home so happy. I think I will post some pictures. The bright side of my week is that everything is hanging off of me. I haven't really lost anymore. I am down 33 pounds since surgery. I started out a size 30 and now my size 26 are hanging. I tried on a size 24 dress a couple of weeks ago and it fit, but I'm not sure if I can get into a size 24 in pants yet. I wish that I could feel like this is a great acomplishment, but for some reason it doesn't feel like it. This stupid depression is ruining all the fun. I think I just need spring to be here already. Chris, still praying for your brother. Kim, how is that cd player working for your dad? Monica, saying a little prayer for you as well. Connie, I cannot wait to see pictures. It sounds like such fun! Dee, I know how hard it is to have a back injury. Take care of yourself. Lucy, Is it too early to put in an order of sunshine for the get together in April? ~Michelle