United Health Care
I thought that this information may help someone that is looking to have wls. United Health Care insurance is not accepted at all hospitals. Good Samaritan Hospital in Downers Grove is contracted with them. I need to have hernia surgery and my surgeon Dr. Rosen is also in network with United Health Care. I didn't know much about how insurance companies wor****il I started this weight loss venture. I contacted the staff at LifeWeigh Bariatrics and the nice insurance girl there told me about United Health Care. I think that it is good insurance but not sure why so many hospitals do not take it. Hope this information helps.
as an employee (for just about 3 years now) I can answer this with full knowledge.
The reason hospital and doctors won't accept UHC is because they cannot come to an agreement on what UHC will pay. If they cannot come to an agreement there is no contract, if there is no contract UHC will consider then a non network provider until they can strike a deal (which in some cases never happens).
If you have any further questions regarding UHC please feel free to ask, I know quite a bit, lol
hope this helps
I know that the the Advocate hotpital network does not have a contract with UHC. You will be better off looking for another network unfortunately. I know in my last job, I only had UHC and had to change ALL my doctors about it. It was a pain, but I think I have good docs now that accept everything including UHC, even though I am back to BCBS of IL