Friday Roll Call
Well I can't complain today, I mean, I'm alive. I'm at work as usual and counting down the seconds until the weekend starts (I don't get off till 7pm). I woke up this morning and just felt like CRAP. My tongue is kinda swollen and I have dots on the back of my tongue and a horribly dry i called the doc and hes not worried about it. Thinks I might be coming down with a cold or something I HATE being sick...but its been in the 50's one day and then icy the next. I hate St. Louis!!!
Still waiting to hear from the Dr. Ayloo's office. I emailed jenifer earlier to make sure she got the denial letter from UHC so she can send off to my secondary insurance. So, not a whole lot going on today, just trying to get all my bills paid and make sure all my affairs are in order which is easier said than done. We are getting closer and closer everyday to being unpacked but its taking so much longer than I thought it would.
Hopefully everyone has a GREAT day today...for those of you on the losers side, know that I envy you!