Plastic surgeons
Hey everyone.. its been a long while since I've posted on here. But I'm in need of some information. I had gastric bypass surgery in April '05 .. I'm down 150 lbs and am now looking into a tummy tuck.(everything else I can deal with). Does anyone know of any plastic surgeons that take the Illinois medicaid card? Someone told me that Dr. Vitellos plastic surgeon does, but I dont know his name, or anything else. So if someone could point me in the right direction, or help me in any way, shape of form, I would be indebeted to you. Thanks so much!!! ~ Lora
Lora, look in the very first post on this board and see if you can find a name there. It was posted by OH staff asking people to list just the info you are seeking. I do not know if any of them are PS. Read through it. I am only going to guess that you might be hard pressed to find a PS to accept the medicard.
Open RNY May 7