Thursday Roll Call
Good morning everyone! I with all of you on the weather! OK enough!! I did see the eclipse last night--it was cool. We could see it through the bathroom window so we were warm. I'm sending positive energy to all of you who are suffering. Hang in there and take care of your selves. Remember in stressful times it takes more self renewal and self care than in regular times.
I am still pumped over 12 people showing up for the Rockford support group. Amazing! And I am working on a contingency plan if we get too big for the space. That would be a nice problem to have!
My partner and I celebrate 22 years together this weekend. We will probably go to Brio for dinner. They serve a fish called skate which is beyond delicious.
Take care everyone and stay warm!!!! WE might get into two digits today and have you noticed the days are really getting longer!
Good Morning to all of my wonderful IL friends!
Today I am taking Jacob to school a bit early as he was invited to a breakfast for reading 3 Rebecca Caudall books.
Than I am off to see Dr Rantis one last time before surgery and I have my list of questions ready for him. After that appt I have to go to St Alexis and have all my pre op testing done. Upper GI. Chest X-ray, bloodwork and an EKG. I am SO hungry already this morning and I can't eat anything until after that appt. I will bring something with for after.
I am so excited to hear that we are having a get together again at Lucy's! Can't wait see everyone there!
I have to ask for prayers for my mom ladies, I spoke to her yesterday to tell her about my surgery date and all, but she told me that she's having an echocardiogram of her heart tomorrow because all the years on blood pressure meds and it still not being controlled great the last couple of years has damaged her heart. I am so scared ladies, my mom and I are super close and I don't even want to think about what they could find. Please keep her in your prayers tomorrow that it's nothing too serious.
Thank you!
Goodmorning everyone,
I am sitting here and getting ready to get moving I haven't checking in, in a while so thought I should. I am doing ok just the usuall daily grind...I have everyone in my prayers here, Lucy it is Great to see you back on I have missed you..Pam Love your new picture you look AMAZING..... I hope everyone has a great day Love Martha