Where have I been?

Janet Kwiek
on 2/20/08 5:24 pm - IL
Just got a pm from Pam S asking that ?-so I thought I would share my answer wyou all- Lurking-hiding-got a 400 cc cortisone shot in my hip today ,so when the numbings meds wore off- youch!   I have just been in so much crap- Eddie went back to work the 10th-his finger is useless-he needs 2  more operations on the left hand and we haven't started on the right.  He fell Monday and tore up both knees-he looked like a 5 yr old that fell off his bike.  He stayed home Tues and finally decided to go to the ER when the left leg buckled again and he hit my canisters and sliced open his right index finger and had to have that sewed up.  We both saw the ortho today and his legs muscles are atrophying from 15 yrs of steroids to keep his transplant.  It's pretty much a given that after the hand surgery in April he will have to go on disability for good.  His youngest brother has been using our address for 2 yrs w/out our consent-so he finally came and got all his crap mail and ended up staying 2 days-gave us a /bs story that his girl was on a business trip and he didn't want to be alone.  I have issues w/him because he molested my youngest way back in '91-he was prosecuted and all-he did not violate her Thank God-but it left  mental scars that still are sore to this day.  Got off w/probation, community service and some big fine and restitution-big f-----ing deal!  We told him he had to go after 2 days-the day I brought Eddie home from his knee surgery there was summons taped to my door-Joe was being sued for a bad debt-but my neighbors just see J.Kwiek and thought I was being evicted-so it was a FROSTY w-end when he was here.  We have since found he is jobless and has been extorting $ from this women he lived with-he NEVER paid her room and board 'cause he had to pay our medical bills and help us out 'cause we're so sick-and she bought this BS for 2 yrs-never once seeing us or hearing us call Joe.  He conned her into fronting a wine business w/her money-telling her he had $689000.00 in a retirement fund-he showed this "certificate " to the town liquor commission for proof of stability for the liquor license-it's really worth 689.00!!   She is now filing bankruptcy and trying to undo all this-she even signed for a $60,000 BMW  for him and lost the deposit and over $37,000 for wine equipment for "the store".  She wasn't out of town -she threw him out.. So when we found out all this, we informed his other brother in Michigan 'cause Joe went there to sponge off them-he owes them over 2 grand he wheezled out of them over the past year- bounced the 1st and only check he ever gave them to pay them back.  I don't even know why they let him in the door.  Well when they found out the police are looking him for various fraud, theft and extortion issues,they asked to find another home, so he left there and called them 2 hrs later and said he was pulled off on 80-94 and just took a bottle of pills-goodbye.  He never left town-he was in the middle of South Haven so he could be found-he's trying to establish an insanity defense.  So 5 days in the ha-ha house and John bails his car out, gives him more $ and packs him off-in the meantime we have this crazy lady, his ex-wife(Eddie's step-daughter) and another ex-girlfriend all calling us 'cause they're getting bills and calls and a re-po man on their doorsteps.  Next stop-Las Vegas to smooze his sister he hasn't even spoken with in 10 year-she was wise to what was going on so she told him-here's the couch-one night-eat-go -no$- bye.  But her hubby felt sorry for him and took him out for a big breakfast-gassed up his Jeep and gave him cash to travel on-he was going to CA for a fresh start-BS-to avoid prosecution.  8 hrs. later Mary gets called by the local hosp- he took a bottle of pills again-right outside the ER door w/her name,address and phone on the seat.  Only thing missing was the FIND ME sign!  So now they really locked his ass up!  They won't even tell us where he is.  I have been throwing up since my fill and have torn up my right foot so bad when I fell the night Eddie got re-admitted I have to be fitted for the really UGLY brace to see if all the torn ligaments and tendons will heal.  The specialist doesn't think it will and I will eventually need surgery-which will involve sawing my heel in half and pinning it back into position.  The bunion on the left foot is so bad it needs extensive repair and he won't touch it because of all my other issues-but the good news is I've lost SO much feeling in the feet from the diabetes-that I don't feel half as much pain as I should-see there's always a silver lining!  Both my hips are filled w/bursitis and torn muscles-so that is why the shots!  We got Eddie's 1st disability check Dec.24th-even though I filed over 3 weeks previous-we had to go to charities for help w/the rent and medicine and food.  I would have had no $ for Xmas gifts for my grandchildren- but it got around CDH that we were having a really shi--y string of luck so when I saw my surgeon @ CDH the 21st he gave me $100 visa gift  card so I could get the kids gifts-but this is the 1st time in 41 years I wasn't able to get my girls even a little something.  I am wearing out my waterproof mascara!  I got the teens $15  I-tune gift cards-pay back is a mother-I remembered all those years of Prince and Robert Palmer-ha ha ha!  Now if I can just stop sliming and get a grip on this pain I'll be Okie Dokie!  So that's how I spent my winter vacation -boys and girls-I'm working on getting back into the swing of things-but for a while I had to cheer up to be suicidal!  Thanks for listening and all your support-Love you all-Big Hugs-Janet K P.S.  I have found that when nothing else stays down-Mrs Grass Chicken noodle soup w/ a little fresh cilantro in it settles my stomach.  Or Campbell's  Chicken noodle too-my daughter's mom -in -law is Hispanic and told me to try it and I'll be dipped it works-you have to like cilantro-it's one of those like it or hate things. FYI-good night-God Bless!
on 2/20/08 7:09 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
(((((((((((((Gynormous hugs lady))))))))))) you deserve to be made a saint by Pope Benedict after what you have been going through. You will be in Dave's and my prayers until we hear otherwise that life is back to (sic) normal for you. Chris

Open RNY May 7


on 2/20/08 8:44 pm - Harvard, IL
Oh Janet great big ((hugs)) I have been struggling with my oldest daughter after reading this I am grateful... I will be keeping you in prayer! Jenn
 Jennifer  RNY 10/02/07 
Before/Current 427/235                                                                                                                                                 
Janet Kwiek
on 2/20/08 9:54 pm - IL
After raising 4 by myself there isn't much I didn't have to handle.  Always here for a listen-They should be put into cocoons when they get hormones and let out at about 23 or when they reproduce and level off!!  I'll say a prayer for you two-Big hugs-Janet K
C. Richardson
on 2/20/08 9:09 pm
Janet - I'm sorry I have not called this week.. Life has been really busy and w/ me back to work at Bakers, I don't get off until late and then the nights Calvin is home I just can't talk on the phone w/out him up my a$$. Tonight is my only night off.. Then they have me working Friday, Saturday and Sunday. I'm really sorry your going thru such a tough time.  I continue to pray that you are able to find peace, happiness and good health my friend. Christina
Lucy M.
on 2/20/08 9:16 pm - Conway, SC
Oh Janet, I am so sorry that you and hubby are going through such trying times and for so long. I pray for both of you - for a light at the end of the tunnel. I admire you for your strength and endurance during all of this craziness. Love, Lucy

Pre-op/RNY day/pre DS day/current/goal-  Realize Band 5/15/08; RNY 6/8/05, Removal Band and RNY to DS 8/25/10. RNY & Band surgeon was Dr. Guske.


Monica G.
on 2/20/08 9:38 pm - North Aurora, IL

boy oh boy have you and Eddie had a time of it. 
((((((((((((((((((((((((the biggest of hugs to you both))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I am so sorry all this is happening Janet and I honestly don't know what to say other than we are here for you and always remember that sweetie!!



Lisa Tucker
on 2/20/08 9:40 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Janet, Hugs, hugs and more hugs, You may not believe this, but I have been thinking of you for a few weeks now, and thinking of calling you, but didn't.I need to start listening to my instincts. I am so sorry for all the H*** you have been going through, I wish I was closer to you so I could help.  Your BIL sounds like a real trip. You did the right thing, its time to consantrate on you and Eddie, and your family, and throw him to the wolves.  I am sure your girls understood, and you will make it up next xmas. They would rather have thier parents then a bunch of stuff they could buy for themselves.  You and Eddie will make it through this years trials, our year was last year.  Please stay connected with all of us here at OH, you have people to talk to, and that will hold your depression at bay.  Love ya.


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Janet H.
on 2/20/08 9:57 pm - Golden Valley, AZ
(((((((((((((((((((((Janet)))))))))))))) I am so sorry to hear that you and your Hubby have been having a bad time, I will keep you and your HD in my thoughts and prayers. that the rest of the year will bring you peace and happiness take care and stay strong.

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



(deactivated member)
on 2/21/08 5:07 am - Wood River, IL
Janet, Hugs are being sent to you right now.  Here I was complaining about ice and doctors leaving.  Let me know if you need to talk or vent, I am here.
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