Wednesday Roll Call
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Afternoon everyone,
Chris, I will be saying a prayer for your brother today. Its hard loosing your siblings. Monday was the one year anniversary of my sisters passing. I still pick up the phone all the time to call her. She would have been so proud of me on my weight loss.
Miss Lucy, Count me in! As long as its a little later in the afternoon, I'll be there. I work til 12 and I am about 1 1/2 hours from wheeling. Sounds like fun.
Kim, I heard something interesting today on GMA. If you play music or audio to a stroke victim it will increase their progress by 60%. I'm sure you can go to their website for more info on it.
Monica, I'm so happy for you. I think that I have a follow up with Dr Rantis on that Tuesday, so if your up for visitors I can pop in.
Dee, I hope your hubby will be okay. I'll be sure to say a little prayer for him.
I left my keys for work in my other coat today and it has drove me nuts all morning, so I came home for lunch and to grab them. Well, its back to the cold for me.
Stay warm Illinois!