Time for Us to Plan a Get Together!
Does it feel like you're trying to "herd cats" yet? LOL I've been reading the replies. Oh my goodness are we all over the place or what.
I won't be able to make it on the 12th or thye 19th. I'll be in Houston. So the 5th or the 26th are the two days I would choose, but you need to go with what's best for everyone:-)
Regards and hugs,

If guys are allowed, I would love to come. I wouldn't mind hosting one of hte events, but it would have to be in 09. Don't ask, maybe I can say something later. Let me know what I can do to help, but please not cooking, I am trying to learn now, and I have yet to make something that I can actually eat more than a half bite. It definately helps with the weight loss though :)