I had a similar thing happen to me after I had been on soft foods for about a week. I had about 5 days where foods that I could tolerate before (like refried beans and ricotta cheese) were suddenly causing me problems. I would eat 3-4 bites, my pouch became very grumbly, and then I'd have to . I stuck to liquids only for 1 day (protein shakes, soup and water) to let my pouch settle down, and then the next day I could tolerate food again. Now for the past few days, I've tried not to push the envelope...I've stuck to foods that I know I can tolerate (tuna salad, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese....) and to 1/2 cup at a time, and I am doing much better.
Ii think what you're experiencing is very normal at this stage. My surgeon told me to focus on getting the multivitamins and protein in first to get the nutrition I need, and then the rest will come eventually. I hope this helps in some way....
Highest Weight: 303
Current Weight: 203
100 lbs gone forever!!

I'm going through that now with meats. It was that they were getting stuck, so I went back to pureeing them. Now, they just make me sick. I keep trying because I know how important it is. I also stocked up on some protein supplements. How about trying some different soups and protein shakes? I found a protein bar that I really like by proto pure. Most of the time I can't finish the whole 1.76 oz bar. Its a great source of protein at 20g. I'm not sure if you can have it at your stage. Also, I would check out eggface blog for some great recipies. ~Michelle