Sunday Roll Call
Good morning everyone!! The reason for the bouncie person is that we up here are not getting as much snow as projected. We were supposed to get 12 with it starting at midnight, now we are only getting 5-8, but we are right now getting freezing rain.
Saw my niece, her husband and the rest of her kids and grandkids yesterday. Stopped at one of our favorite resale shops and got a brand new soft insulated lunch box thingie that can hold about 8 water bottles. If I put less water in I can take a couple of those freezer paks things and some cheese or another snack. Also got some soft fleecies to wear with jeans.
Not much after that, went to Mass last night to try out the Catholic church. It was packed due to the weather forecast and there were a lot of visitors like us. I had gone to that church when I was a kid when we would come to the Dells. We have tried about a 1/2 dozen churches so far up here.
Not much going on today. We might try and drive for breakfast or we might just walk. There is sidewalk on each side of the road, It might be slick but if we are careful we can still make it. We both have good boots for being out for that kind of walking.
Well, have a great day. Another welcome home to our new loosers and pop in and ask
if you need to. Another big WOOHOO to our upcoming loosers. You all take care and enjoy what is left of the weekend.
Open RNY May 7
Good Sunday morning everyone! I sit here stil in my jammies and robe and have discovered why it's better for me to just get up, showered and dressed right away. If I come downstairs first I have to really motivate myself to get back upstairs and get ready. lol I had to come down though and give Phantom his meds. He's got some allergic reaction going on and we can't figure it out.
Today I have some family coming over for a game day. The weather will actually play a big part in if they still come or not. Right now it's just rainy and very windy here but it's supposed to change over to freezing rain and then snow later. I really hope they can come, I miss our family game days! I love my family.
Well everyone please stay safe, dry and warm on this gloomy sunday.
Open RNY May 7

235 / 153 / 153 / 145 5"6'
Highest / Lowest / Current / Goal
Open RNY May 7