Oh yeah, why didn't anyone warn me?? lol
Okay, now why didn't anyone warn me about the Lovenox shots that I will have to give myself for 6 days after surgery? lol I have no desire to stab myself in the side with a needle ya know? I will do it though because it's for my health...lol
Just kidding all, just wondering how many of you had to do this too
Oh Monica I am so sorry, it never occurred to me. I had to do Lovenox shots for 10 days following surgery.
First off, they will show you how to do them in the hospital. Here is what I can tell you. Read the instructions in the box and watch the video. Because the needle is so thin, if done correctly, it will not hurt. You will find that you will have bruising that will show up. Also, if you have not been advised, please make sure to pack TOM stuff. It will be a possibility that you will have your visitor right after surgery. If this happens, you may have it the entire time you are on the Lovenox. This is not uncommon, so don't worry.
I am not a needle fan either, but I did ok with it. Also, be prepared for lots of needles in the hospital. They will take several tubes of blood a couple of times. They will also ***** you fingers several times a day to check blood sugars, and they will be giving you blood thinner shots while you are in there too.
I must have done something wrong with my lovenox. For me, the shots were the most painful thing from my surgery. The needle itself didn't hurt, the medication hurt a few minutes after I gave by burning and then stabbing feeling. Of course, I would gladly do it again to get the same results that I am getting.
I didn't think that you would have a problem with Dr Hart. I think that he is tough on people who pose a higher risk, such as my dh. He said that I would be a piece of cake, and I was. He has scared me with everything he has said about my dh. He truely didn't want to give him clearance and he ultimatly passed it off to the hematologist for clearance. I just think that if he is concerned, then its for a reason.
Monica, you will love his staff in the hospital. They are so nice and will visit you everyday. Oh, don't fill your prescription until after the surgery. The dose might change depending on your blood work before you leave.
I'm assuming that you didn't run into Kim at Dr Rantis office. I can't wait to hear how her visits went.