Monday Roll Call Brrrrrrrrrrrrr
What is with this bitter weather!!?? I will be ready for the snow because it won't be as cold. Since the Rockford school district is closed today, the workshop I was supposed to give for the staff was cancelled. I really didn't want to be driving in the area around Roosevelt is the snow. It wasn't well plowed last week and probably didn't improve over the weekend.
Remember Rockford area folks that our new support group starts next Monday the 18th at 7PM at the College of Medicine. I will put up the notice again on all the boards I'm aware of in a day or two. Looking forward to meeting many of you!
Monday finds me at work. Hit the YMCA this morning at was so bitterly cold my face hurt running from my car to the center! Busy day at my school. Tonight is our Board meeting so I'll be getting home around 10:00p.m. Hopefully the roads won't be too bad with the expected snow.
Stay warm Illinois!

235 / 153 / 153 / 145 5"6'
Highest / Lowest / Current / Goal
Hi all. Long time no see. I've been very busy with work, my daughter's busy 11yr old social life and trying to get time in with my beau. Any way just wanted to say hi. Everything is going well. down 66pounds from my heaviest weight now. Have gone from size 30 jeans to 22-24 jeans depending on the cut. When I did my 6 month measurements in December I had lost 5 inches from my waist and 5.5 inches from my hips. Yea!!!! As for my beau... He started at 480lbs last April and is now down to 248lbs. At 6'6" that makes him pretty darn thin. He wants to get down to 235. hoping you all are doing well.
Been busy missing Dr. Rosen and the Bariatric patients at Provena Mercy Medical Centr in Aurora.