Monday Roll Call Brrrrrrrrrrrrr

Good morning IL! It's cold and I don't want to go outside! waaaaa lol
Today is work and then home to help Tyler and Jacob give there room a total and complete cleaning....we found some kind of little worm type thing on their ceiling last night. They don't eat up there and I have no idea where they are from, but we will do bedding, vacuum and the works.
This week will be a busy one for me....
Wednesday I see the surgeon for my lump, which is getting smaller now.
Thursday morning I see Dr Hart and in the late afternoon I get my ultrasound at the Kane Center
Friday the kids are off of school and Austyn sees the Psych for the first time.
Saturday morning I go to Dr Crane's seminar and in the afternoon I have to do some cleaning because Sunday is a big game day here at my house. My family comes over and we hang out and play games all day. It's so much fun.
I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe day and please stay warm!!
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