Monday Roll Call Brrrrrrrrrrrrr

Lisa Tucker
on 2/10/08 8:39 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Good  Monday Morning , I know most of us have to brave the cold and head to either work or school, or to take kids to school,Becareful, its cold out and we here in central Illinois, are in a winter storm watch  after 3 this afernoon. They are predic ting 3 to 6 inches of the white stuff, again. Meacha should be comfortably situatated at the hospital in Peoria now. She is joining everyone on the losers bench today. I woke up and thought it was after 6:30, meaning I was running an hour late, And, wondering why it was so dark out. proceded to get my morning routine done, Only to hear the grandfather clock strike 6. Thats OK, I would rather be early then late. I really think it you are rushed first thing in the morning, you are like that all day. Have a good day, Spring will come!!!! Hugs


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


on 2/10/08 9:24 pm - Ottawa, IL
Just what we need more snow!! I have to wor****il 8pm in lasalle tonight so hopefully the weather is fine to drive home!! Just excited about this weekend with the book signing!!
Lisa Tucker
on 2/10/08 10:44 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Amanda, please be careful coming home tonight. I know there isn't a good road if its snowing between Ottawa and laSalle.  I am planning on attending your book signing. I am looking forward to it.  For everyones information, Amanda has a book signing on Saturday, at the Book Mouse in Ottawa , Illinois, from 11:30 to 1:30. It would be nice if alot could come and support this for her Hugs


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


on 2/11/08 12:19 am - Ottawa, IL
Thanks for the plug about my book signing. I look forward to seeing you there!! I will try to be careful because yes both 80 and rte6 are bad but I usually take rte 6
Monica G.
on 2/10/08 9:38 pm - North Aurora, IL

Good morning IL!  It's cold and I don't want to go outside!  waaaaa  lol

Today is work and then home to help Tyler and Jacob give there room a total and complete cleaning....we found some kind of little worm type thing on their ceiling last night.  They don't eat up there and I have no idea where they are from, but we will do bedding, vacuum and the works. 

This week will be a busy one for me....
Wednesday I see the surgeon for my lump, which is getting smaller now.
Thursday morning I see Dr Hart and in the late afternoon I get my ultrasound at the Kane Center
Friday the kids are off of school and Austyn sees the Psych for the first time.
Saturday morning I go to Dr Crane's seminar and in the afternoon I have to do some cleaning because Sunday is a big game day here at my house.  My family comes over and we hang out and play games all day.  It's so much fun.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful and safe day and please stay warm!!



on 2/10/08 10:00 pm - IL
Good Morning to all, wow it is so cold outside, even the dog doesn't want to go out. I have to run and get gas and pay some bills.........ewww lol. I have my educational meeting, but its at 4:30. Me being the driving chicken I am have my hubby taking me there and picking me up. I am not so afraid of the snow, its that its so cold and will the streets be icy. Anyway, I feel safer with him driving since it is 45 mins. to get there. You all try and stay warm today!                                Renee


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Lisa Tucker
on 2/10/08 10:35 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
Renee, Have your DH stay and listen at the educational meeting too. Mine went to all my appointments with me and was able to calm any fears he had. Besides, its nice to hame a second pair of ears.


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


on 2/10/08 10:17 pm - Rock City, IL
Good Morning Lisa and the rest of Ilinois on this COLD, COLD morning! I am at work today, as usual.  I might even get a full 40 hours in this week!  I am MORE than ready for Spring.  I hope we have an over-abundance of warm weather this year to balance this out. I am thinking of Measha this morning and hoping that all goes well for her. It sounds like Dave has a wonderful opportunity to think about.  Good for him.  In this job market, it is awesome that things are going so well the first time out.  I will keep Christine and Dave in my thoughts and prayers. Monica and Kim are on their way to becoming losers very soon, and I keep them in my thoughts also. Thinking of all of you.........


Tell someone that you love them!

Barry C.
on 2/10/08 10:53 pm - Oak Brook, IL
Morning all.  Well, I am awake and after last night, I am surprised I got to sleep.  I can't go in to it, but it wasn't pleasant at all.  I was told by my boss to stay home today, not sure why, but I am gladly staying home, and it is like a vacation day for me.  I am going to lunch with some good friends and then coming home to play with my daughter.  I shouldn't be outside much at all today.  That is a good thing.

on 2/11/08 12:28 am - IL
Good Morning All! My Monday started off on the wrong foot. I woke up and got the kids ready for school and got all the way to work just to find out that the Rockford School district is Closed today because alot of the busses wouldn't start. The kids were happy about staying home! My desk is overflowing with work. But the good news is I get to watch my 4 year old niece tonight. She is the apple of my eye and I spoil her rotten (having 4 boys of my own, it's nice to have a girl around). Everyone stay warm today and keep out of the snow tonight. Theresa, Rockford
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