Thursday Roll Call
Good morning Illinois!
I gotta tell you all that Rockford did a great job getting our streets plowed! I was really surprised.
I think this is the first time I've seen them so good! I was impressed and relieved.
So what's everyone up to today? shoveling themselves out? Lots of snow to shovel! Miss Lucy, you should stay happy
with all that shoveling you do! You said you love
to shovel! Just think of the calories you will burn off!
Dawn I was worried about you all day yesterday!
Was it a bad trip home? I saw that they closed RT 20, had to be a struggle to get home! Was worried about you too Christine...
....walking home from work even if it was 1/2 a mile! That wind was whipping later in the day!
Everyone you all have a great day!
GM everyone in Lincoln Land. The wind was whipping pretty bad when I walked home yesterday but I had my below the knees down coat on and was warm. I also always have a hat, gloves and scarf on. I really like to walk better than drive to work because we always have to go down and move our cars part way through the shift so public works can do the lots. Also the left turn into my work is not a protected lane and trucks and cars come barreling up behind you and I wonder if they see me. I heard a car laying on the horn because someone was turning into the lot to vote and the person turning left was driving correctly, go figure. I think the lady in the Beamer just felt inconvienced to have to go a little around the turning car, there is a paved shoulder and almost a complete lane for them to go around. So, I just do not like to drive in the morning because of that turn. By the way there is sidewalk all the way to and from home to work.
Well for me just the same ole same ole at work. I am going to Stratford Square mall before I head off to support group tonight. I need to pick up a gift card for a birthday party
on Saturday. I had also wanted to go into Burlington Coat factory to see what they have in long down coats. Mine was a resale shop find and it is time to replace it because the color is not exactly my taste anymore. It is a pretty yucky teal blue color. That is just about the extent of my day, pretty boring actually.
Open RNY May 7
Open RNY May 7
Good Morning IL! We only got about 3-4 inches yesterday, but it is SO heavy and wet it was hard to shovel....well tha'ts what Mike said
I had the day off and a headache just about all day too. I will be seeing a surgeon next Wednesday for the lump under my arm. Today it's back to work for me and back to a full day of school for the boys. Other than that, I have nothing going on.
I'm glad that Rockford did a good job with everything, I have a sister and bil that live there. My parents are in Oregon, IL and they got about 14 inches too I think.
Everyone have a wonderful and safe day!

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!