Wednesday Roll Call
I have many fond memories of having ashes on my forehead as a kid and people looking at me like it had dirt up there, NOT. I was raised Catholic, have a lot of great memories of going to Catholic school all 12 years. I had a blast a couple years ago going to a play called "Late Night Catachisim (sp?)". Everything in it was true to what I lived with the nuns. Barry, keep in mind that we are all sinners and need the grace of God, we as humans sin more than we think we do. I do not really follow you when you say that you are not doing anything wrong but need to be cleansed of your sins before going to communion. . . It is always good practice to ask God's forgiveness of one's sins before partaking in communion. I do it on a regular basis before I partake in communion, it is something that a person should do on a regular basis. If one goes to communion without thinking of the why Jesus commanded his believers to follow His commands to do it in remberance of Him . . . Sorry, I will get off of my soap box now. Chris
Open RNY May 7
Our classes were cancelled today so I don't need to go in till this afternoon, but our streets haven't been plowed and I can't get out yet. It certainly does look like we could get more than a foot of snow here. I'd be perfectly happy to take a vacation day today!
I had my fourth fill yesterday--9cc in a 10cc band. I felt some restriction at breakfast, but now it is two hours later and I feel hungry. This is unusual for me since I ate the same breakfast I always have and it has always taken me easily to lunch. I guess it is head hunger. I really want the restriction to work, it feels like I have been at the same weight for a month or more. Oh well...progress not perfection.
Stay safe everyone!
Ok today is one of those days!!!! My kids had school today. I didnt want them to go but made them go anyway. They were grumping and griping about going, and I was the meanest mother of the century. My gripe is that NIU closed, and they grounded 500 planes at Ohare, but they were going to school. So off they went. Anyway, I have now recieved 7 (yes 7) calls stating that my kids are being let out at 1:30 pm. They get out at 3:30, so why bother for the 2 hours? Either dont make them go at all, or keep them for the 2 hours. Now I have to go back out in this weather to pick them and 4 neighbor kids. I understand why they dont want to close the schools, but for gods sake make up your minds. It is 11am and we have no snow yet.... we do have sleety ice. It is HORRIBLE out there. I feel so sorry for the kids that had to stand out there this morning and get hit in the face with that blowing sleeting ice. My friend called me and told me she actually brought her daughter in and kept her home b/c her face was so red from getting hit with the ice she was crying. Needless to say the child was bundled up tighter than the kid in the christmas story and this still happened - poor baby. Ok I am getting off my soapbox to ask a ? How is everyone getting in all the protein they need? I am losing my hair and it is making me crazy. I went to gnc and got a case of Isopure and protein bars. I also got Biotin. I am really trying to follow the rules and have lost 5 pounds since vowing to lay off the carbs. I was so tight for a long time and was in starvation mode. I actually pb'd daily for months. So I dont want to get another fill just yet. That was an awful experience. So I went to soft foods and stalled my weight loss. I was the same weight for months. Now I have vowed to follow the rules religiously. I just have a problem with hair loss now.
I ended up staying home today. I still can't get out of my driveway and with the heaviness of this snow I'm not going to try to shovel it. I had a heart attack two years ago and I won't take the risk. We have a guy who should plow it tonight and it will just have to wait. As I look out the window by my computer it just keeps snowing heavily. Amazing! I can't remember a day like this. I should have started a jigsaw puzzle this AM. Oh well. Hanging out on this board is entertaining too.
Be safe folks!