Inner demons running wild
Hi all! Every since I made up my mind to have by-pass done, I find myself overeating. I cannot help myself. Today I found myself looking for the next thing to eat 20 minutes after eating a sensible lunch. I don't know what the heck my mind is thinking, cause I know I want to be 100% commited to follow the guidelines after surgery. I have never eaten like this before, or at least so noticeably. My husband even commented. HELP!!! I am hoping this is just normal psyche trying to get it all in before I can't anymore. What if I can't stick to the guidelines afterward. I am really worried. I do not want to fail at this, like I have all the other methods before. Can anyone share if they felt this way, and what you do to get through?
I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When I finally made the decision to go through with the surgery, it was like my appetitie went into overdrive. It was like I could not get enough to eat, and between the time of my consult and surgery I gained 17 lbs. Now that I have had the surgery almost 6 weeks ago, I have not had any problem with following my eating plan. So you are not alone.
Hi Allison!
I had the same issue, it seems like your mind thinks that in a short time, you will "never get to have that again" so you need to get it all in while you can. I have sometimes heard it called "last supper syndrome". It took me almost 2 years between when I made the decision and when I had the surgery. I gained 30 pounds during this time. I lost most of it in the last 6 months while on my supervised diet with phentermine, and 11 pounds on the liquids before surgery.
It goes to show how strong our head urges are, and how we can be addicted to food.
Since surgery, I have had a few days where I feel like I could keep grazing all day. The beauty of this tool is that we are unable to eat the amounts that we once could. I just have to make a concentrated effort to stick with the program and not munch, munch, munch. It is wierd, but I no longer feel real hunger, but the "head hunger" can be much harder to fight. At the times when it is really bad, all the old tricks help.......delay, redirection, water, activity.......
Try to get a handle on it by reminding yourself that you WILL still be able to eat afterwards, and really good things too! You are not doomed to rice cakes and water for the rest of your life, you will be able to eat delicious foods that are good for you!