omg, I am such a bundle of nerves right now, and was all weekend too. I have cried for no reason, & I never cry!. I fell twice, once in the snow & once when DH was helping me up from my chair. On top of that I twisted the same ankle twice on friday scraping snow off my car to go to work!
I know this surgery is the right decision for me & trust my Surgeon and his record, but it is still getting to me......
Think the office will prescribe me some nerve medicine? LOL

Revision on 04/19/13
Hi Kerri -
It's very common to be on an emotional roller coaster prior to your surgery and you may experience some afterwards. Your body is going thru major changes and quickly I might add. You will do just fine sweetie.. Just take things one day at a time. Your big day will be here before you know it.
Its only natural to get nervous before surgery. We all go through it. I was so nervous the few days before my scheduled c-section back in 79 that I asked the dr wasn't there any other way. I cried for days before my son was born..I cried in private with the lapband surgery because I did not want to upset my kids or the grandkids. They did not want me to do it anyway because they were afraid. Well today I am 199 pounds, down 67 pounds from the start of my journey. They are proud of me and I feel good! I can do my own laundry now. I can get on my knees. I can climb up on a chair where before I need a step stool to get up there to reach things up high.
Its natural to be nervous but, I think some are excitement about all the changes you will see over the next few months. Oh ya i can run now and just 1 year ago I would have collasped from asthma or my bad knees would have folded up on me. So think postive and dream of thinner days to come!
You're in my prayers that the jitters leave!