Super Bowl Sunday ROLL CALL !!!
Hello everyone
I also dont really watch the game, I like the commercials and boy did I used to like the food! I put on a pot of chili in th crock pot and made some homeade french onion dip. I also plan on making a sandwhich for dh and my son. As for me and my daughter - we are going to see the Hannah Montana movie during the game. We are taking the neighbor girl behind us also. So I am not going to be tempted by the munchies if I am not here to eat them. I will have some chili as I made it high protein and low cal. As for right now I am going to clean house and do some laundry. Being sick this whole week put me way behind the eight ball as far as the house and laundry go.
Have a great day!
Ok I dont have a clue as to how to get my ticker in this box????????
whoo hoo - I think it worked!!!!!

Afternoon all,
Its been laundry, laundry for me today. I did take a break and went grocery shopping. I plan on working up til the game starts. Now, I'm not a fan of either team, but don't you just feel like the Patriots have won enough. Either way, the commercials should be good.
Dh has the flu, although he is in denial. He decided last fall that he didn't need the flu shot. I had mine, so fingers crossed that I'm immune. My daughter has finally gotten out of bed and is lounging on the couch with her dad.
How is Tom doing? As I still haven't caught up on the posts this week, I don't know if we have heard from him. Tom, remember that were here for you.
Kim, 2008 hasn't been so good for you. You certainly have my prayers for it to get better.
Connie, sounds like you had a fun time. Let us know if you post pictures.
Jen, I wasn't going to do chinese this early, but we were going to order it Friday at work. Because of the snow, we didn't get it, and I of course had a taste for it by then. I ordered Chicken Kow (moo goo gai pan) last night. I started with the chicken pieces and only got a few veggies in, and luckily didn't have any problems. I was hungry a couple of hours later, so the pouch didn't make a difference there. What did you order?
Happy Birthday to Dee. Happy Birthday to Dee. Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday. Happy Birthday to Dee.

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Isn't it funny how we all tolerate things differently. It sounds like you know what it was that did it. I'm glad that you did enjoy your evening though. My daughter was feeling much better last night. She got a burst of energy and got up and cleaned the bathroom without being asked. She even organized the medicine cabinet. Thank you for your prayers and concern for her. Its always hard when our babies are sick. ~Michelle