Super Bowl Sunday ROLL CALL !!!

Before/Current 427/235

Open RNY May 7
Good morning Illinois! We just got home from the Caribbean! We would have loved to stay longer! Oh well. I had lots of NSVs. The seats on the plane were more comfortable, I could walk long distances without being exhausted, and stuff like that. We did well with food too and got in all the water each day. It was a great trip! Of course today we have laundry to deal with, but it's not the stuff I need for this week so if it doesn't get done for a few days, that's OK.
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying your Sunday!

Good Morning Illinois, Well the usual here, Matt and I are taking Bryannah to go look at horses in Davis. We are so excited but really needing to think of the financial since everything we just went through we are wanting to make sure the right time. We took the little Ariel to the vet and she was so sore and sleepy yesterday I was scared because you pick her up and she would just cry. So sad. So we are going to stop and get dinner on the way to look at the horses. The idea is just Super Bowl Snacks, kinda like a buffet for the kids of finger food. The boys and Matt will argue about who is going to win and then place a little bet on it. Like extra laundry, shoveling the driveway etc. While I sit and work on growing my Tupperware business since there are a lot of the sizes for me to eat and easy for me to take to work. Well going to play with my little playful puppy this morning snce she is so much better. Good luck to what ever team you are routing for. Will talk to you later.
Good Sunday Morning to all my IL friends! I am still flying high from my good news on Friday, but I am sad for Kim too.
Today I am taking Jacob to Jo-Ann Fabrics so he can use his gift card for more yarn to keep crocheting the afghan he's making for my great neice. Yes he's an 11 yr old boy who loves to crochet and he's awesome at it. People pay him to make scarves for them! lol Then a couple of more stops and it's home to do laundry and clean today. Not too much though, I am going to take it easy too. Tyler is going to a birthday/super bowl party tonight at a friends house and I will probably play on my puter while Mike watches the game.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day and stays safe and warm! I can't wait for spring/summer! especially this year, maybe I"ll even wear shorts