4th denial
Open RNY May 7

Oh Kim, I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. It just infuriates me that insurance companies have so much power and control over our lives. I know that they are a necessary evil in our lives, but it just is not fair that someone who doesnt know me or you from Adam has the power to make such an important and life changing(and saving) decision in our lives. Hang in there - it has to get better. I truly am sorry about your dad. I lost my dad 2 years ago in a similar situation and it is heartbreaking. I also am a CCU trained RN. Even though I see it everyday, and feel my patients families pain, you truly dont know what they are going through until you go through it yourself. Although I dont know you very well, I do empathize with you and if you have questions or need to talk to someone I am here. I can tell you this - keep the faith. God has a plan for you and your father. And although it is hard to think about it right now, everything works out the way it is supposed to. I know it is hard to just give it to god but when we do, it becomes much more peaceful and easier to see the big picture. Smile, Gina