FREE Big Band Concert this Sunday!! Oak Park,IL
Hi IL Board members!!!
My friend's husband is the leader of a 16-piece orchestra....Seymour's Big Band...they are fabulous!!!!!!!!! They play big band music from the 40's, etc....and also some jazz....come out and see them this Sunday...Feb know you want to!! Come and be a groupie with me and my friends.
Soooooo....I know everyone will be watching the Superbowl this Sunday.....BUT....from 2-4pm you can come on down to the Oak Park Arms....Harlem Ave/Madison Oak Park. It's FREE!!
Anyways, I hope some of you are able to attend.
Hi Chris
I love that type of music too...always have. Probably because my mom has always listened to that kind of music.
Good news for you......this is a regular "gig" for Seymour's Big Band....the first Sunday of the month they play there...but it is only on the even-numbered months...soooo, February, April, June, August, if you can't make it this can always try for one of those!
Hope you can make it !!