On the phone with insurance right now

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Thank you so much Renee, hopefully our dates won't be too far off from eachother. I was officially approved on Jan 30th. The only part that has me a bit worried is stopping my birth control pill....it's been a lifesaver for me with cramps and heavy bleeding. I will do anything though! lol
Where did you get that cool thingie in your siggy??? I love it
I am sure they have improved the Depo shot since I worked at the Dr's office but I saw so many horror stories with that. Some people don't stop bleeding at all....I can't imagine that. lol
I don't know if it's a fat person thing or what, but I can't use tampons and I hate the big pads, but I have to suffer with them!
We shall see, I don't mind using condoms for the most part, so even if the pill just keeps me regular (I only get my period 4 times a year now on the one I am on) that would be good too.
Thank you for the info though.....it's definately something I will check into.