Thursday Morning Roll Call
Good morning Jenn and the rest of Illinois!
Jenn, please don't worry about the stall, you are ging to be fine, but I DO understand how frustrating it can be. Just look on the bright side!
I am checking in a bit late this mornig as Todd's car can't get into the shop until tomorrow, so I had to take him to work again. It seems to mess up the whole day when I feel like I'm running late.
I had to leave work early yesterday as my grand-daughter needed to go to the doctor and Amber has just started a new job. It turned out that Riley has bronchitis and was wheezing too. 3 prescriptions later and Amber stayed home with her today. If she is still sick tomorrow, I will stay with her so that Amber does not have to use up all her time off at the new job.
Olivia had stomach flu on Monday, so lots of stuff is going around, that's for sure. I am hoping that all these extra vitamins are keeping me healthy, because so far, so good......
Tonight is a busy night for our family and it will be even more hectic with only one car, but we will survive. At least we are fortunate enough to own 2 cars! Olivia has basketball, the boys have family night at scouts and I have a band boosters meeting. It makes me tired just thinking of it.
Got to get back to work now, but I am thinking of you all and keeping everything crossed for Monica, hoping today is her day.
Hi Dawn... Thanks for the encouraging words! I hope you guys get Todd's car back soon... It is such a blessing to have 2 cars... Running! I hope everyone around you is healthy soon... Seems like a lot of bugs going around... You have a busy night ahead of you... Stay safe and warm... Jenn

Before/Current 427/235
Good Morning everyone - or should I say good good afternoon?
I unfortunatly am sicker than a dog, as well as both my 7 year olds. Thankfully my husband is off work today and can help. So I am going to ignore the mess accumulating from me being down for 3 days now and lie on the couch feeling as miserable as I know I look. At least I am not hungry in the least - my band is actually tighter than a drum right now.
Monica - please call the insurance company. That is the only way we knew I was approved. We knew a full 2 weeks prior to getting my letter. In fact my dh called them all along and dealt with them so we knew where we stood the whole time. They actually were the ones that told me my surgeon had quit - we didnt know about that from the actual md for a good month!!!! It was stressful, and quite bothersome but we did work hand in hand with them and they were actually almost more helpful than the hospital.
Christina thank god you got your furnace - we lived in this house a whole 2 months and our blower motor crapped out. Of course it was the coldest day of the year. We woke up to 45 degree temps inside the house. It was under warranty and fixed but the company had so many calls we actually had to call numerous times to get someone out here. It is supposed to be awful again today. At least you will be toasty warm.
Stay safe today everyone. It has already started snowing here and is coming down pretty good. My lab was out frolicking earlier ( it is so much fun to watch her in the snow) My bichon - well I actually had to boot her out the door. It must be rough to be a diva in inclement weather.
Thanks Jenn,
It totally is the pits! Right now they are fighting over the nintendo ds, so I think they are not as bad off as I am! I was considering going to the Dr. today but now that it is really coming down I may change my mind. I have to go to Elmhurst for them and Maywood for me. I dont relish driving on the highway or anywhere else in this weather. Dh would drive but I honestly dont even want to venture out at all in this.
I am glad your migraine is better. I get them sometimes and most of mine are caused by not eating or lack of protein. Do you eat something high in protein before you work out? It may help.
I know this weather sure is yucky... My kids love the play
station I have to give them their own time slot to play lol... I had been trying to drink a good amount before going to my class, but I am going to try to drink 16 oz of water when I get up and then eat something high in protein before I go... I will test this out tomorrow... Jenn

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We did stay home yesterday. There was no way I was taking all of us out in this. Besides my daughter was a whining sick mess and the thought of being in a car on a highway with her for hours made my hair stand on end. We all slept alot yesterday, and school is cancelled today which helps. Tim did venture out to get something to eat (why I dont know - we had plenty of food in the house to cook). He took my truck and still had a rough time going 2 miles down the road.
My band is so fickle, it is so tight at the oddest times. Yet at others it is wide open. There are times I eat something on Monday and it goes down fine, then I eat the same thing Tuesday and it gets stuck. You just never know. Yesterday soup made me gag..... but later on I could eat a dorito! It is just strange.