Thursday Morning Roll Call

Before/Current 427/235
At work at the moment taking a breather before I dive into the paperwork sitting on my desk like a 2 ton elephant.
I heard from my DH, Dave a short while ago that he has a telephone interview at 2pm this afternoon. He has to scramble to get his resume finished with the person that is putting it together for him. He went to a local service that I recommended to him. Come to find out the guy that is doing it for him is a follower and a member of our church.
Open RNY May 7
Good Morning my IL Friends! So glad to hear that your headache is gone Jenn, those can be so bad. Chris, glad to hear that Dave has a phone interview, I will be thinking about him at 2pm! I know someone else has a sick kid and that stinks and way too much to do today. Please be careful driving up to WI though and try and get home before the snow and ick starts. My oldest had unexplained stomach issues for years when he was younger too, they did everything from an upper GI to CAT scans and never found anything. He eventually outgrew them, though I think he has mild IBS now. Praying that they figure out what is going on with your little one.
As for me, it's work, call the insurance company and finish my Anatomy Class last day to get it in. Nothing like procrastination huh?
Have a great day everyone and stay safe and warm!