Wed Roll Call
Boy is it cold. I didn't get my walk in this morning and I am not sure I will do it this afternoon. I have been so busy at work, it is keeping my mind off other things going on, which is good. I guess I have not much else to say besides that. Oh yeah the undies stayed up again today! YIPPEEEEE!!
Oh I don't think I have mentioned this before, but I am also a podcaster and tell weird things that happen. It is a fun hobby and if you are interested in checking it out (shameless plug) it is at
Missed seeing you around this week Lady. Hope everything is ok. Is your body feeling ok after your fall over the weekend? I sure hope so.
I have my fingers crossed and sending prayers that Daves call goes well today.
The furnace was installed yesterday so we were quite toasty over night. It actually was a little too warm!
Don't work too hard.