Wed Roll Call

Good Morning All,
Its a normal Wed. morning for me. Warmed the car up and drove 30 miles to work. I was expecting problems driving in, but it was a breese. Just COLD!
Hope everyone stays warm today, I hope Christinas furnace gets put in this morning so its warm when she gets home.
Have a good day
It's cold here but not too cold to walk. I braved it for my 15 minutes. The sun felt really nice. It's about 29 degrees out. I wore two sweaters and did fine. Went, the doc's office for another BP check and it was 146/85 compared to 162/130 and 162/97 last week. Yesterday when I had my EKG, it was only 148/88. Well, I and the cardio person took notice of the fact that the doc's office was using a smaller cuff on the top part of my lower arm instead of using the large cuff on my upper arm. As you can see, MAJOR difference in readings. You would think they would know these things. Oh well, as long as they're not putting me on unneccessary medications and making me sick. Just goes to show, make them double check when you think something is wrong. Christina, Good luck on the furnace. I know that can be a reall pain in the a$$ but you'll do it. Have a beautiful day and don't let the cold scare ya. Beth