Monday Roll Call
Day 18 for my dad on life support. He is doing better though. He woke up on Friday and the man has not closed his eyes since. We found out on Sat that he had suffered a series on mini strokes. This is just a huge set back for him. It breaks my heart to see him so sad and scared. Back to business this week. Monica, I had a dream that you were approved and you went out and bought 5,000 dollars worth of clothes in all these sizes and your husband flipped out!!! Why I'm I dreaming of things like that??/LOL I'm still in the game of trying to get approved. We will see???? I hope everyone has a good day and try not to blow away!
Your dad and your family are still in my prayers Kim!! I am so sorry that you are going through this.
As for your dream! Maybe I should go out and get the mail!! LOL Mike laughed when I told him about spending $5000 on new clothes! I hope that your dream comes true, well the getting approved part anyway! lol
Hang in there Kim and you can PM me if you ever want/need to talk sweetie!
Hello... I guess better late than never... We spent all last week painting... Nothing like a fresh coat of paint... We still need to do the Living Room then we will be done... I missed going to my water aerobics class last week... I went this morning and was so glad to be back there I really enjoy going... I was bummed last week when I weighed I stayed the same... This seems to happen to me every now and again... I weigh on Thursday so hopefully this Thursday the scale will move...
Monica, I hope things are ok with your bump!
Kim... Still praying for your family!
Barry, you are right God does not give us anything we can't handle... boy sometimes I feel like it's too heavy but always make it through God is SO good!
Janet, I am so inspired by your weight loss! WTG!!!
Michelle, how are you doing?
Well I've been on here and there for just a few minutes... Life seems to be back to normal at my house with the painting done! Whew! See ya all tomorrow... Good night! Jenn

Before/Current 427/235