Sunday Roll Call

Open RNY May 7

Good Afternoon everyone. I haven't been doing much today, ran to the store for ink for our printer so Jacob can print a report he did. The boys are out bowling with their dad and Austyn is still at his grandparents. I have been doing homework but I think I am going to lay down for a bit because this anti biotic they put me on for my lump is making me sick to my stomach. I have never taken this one before and I don't like it. Hopefully it will work though.
No definate plans for the week, I am off of work tomorrow and will also have a few more days off after Tuesday as well. I love having the days off until it comes time for my paycheck. oh well.
Have a wonderful and safe Sunday friends!
Hello IL,
My dh drives a truck over the road. He called me this morning because he was driving through and decided to detour so he could meet up with me. We met for lunch. It was too short, but nice that I got to see him this week.
This was my first experience eating a regular meal at a restaurant with my family. I ate two bites of soup saving room for the main course. I had lamb, rice, and vegetables. I don't know why I didn't substitue the rice. I love rice, but I kept hearing someones words on here about how it swells in the pouch, so I didn't touch it. It seems that no matter how long I chew, my meat gets stuck. I did get a few bites down with no problem. After everyone was finished the waitress said I got desert with my meal. My dh said I should choose the rice pudding because it would probably go down easy. He forgets about the sugar! I asked if anything was sf and she said she had cherry ice cream. It was good, but I kept thinking what if she made a mistake and it isn't sf. Luckily, it was fine. I have enough leftovers to last at least a week.
Like Monica, we need ink for the printer, and my daughter just told me she is suppose to watch some movie for school. I wish I would have gotten it while we were out. Oh well, at least it is still nice out. Everyone have a great evening. ~Michelle