battling with depression and weight loss

Big Hugs to you Marilyn - I'm really sorry you are struggling. Look at the big picture my dear. You have the tool and just have to implement a plan and take control of your destination. You have been blessed w/ two beautiful new GRANDbabies. I've always been told when things are bad, write a gratitude list. I do understand the depression, I too struggle especially thru the winter and holidays. Even though it's been years, I lost my only brother in the month of December and my father in January and it just makes it hard. The pain is still great. I agree w/ your therapist, stay in touch w/ your friends. We are here to support one another thru the good and bad. Don't be ashamed.. just take things one day at time and when that seems too hard, take it a minute at a time.
Hang in there and I'll be praying for a happier, healthier you. Christina
Please don't stay away because you didn't meet one of your goals that you talked about. Most if not all of us have been there. Thats why this site is so great because we do understand.
Exercising sucks or at least in this stage. Its hard to get moving especially when your joints ache and you can no longer take meds for it. So what if you didn't make it today, there is always tomorrow. There is now, maybe something small like a couple of stretches, a few bends. If you can't make it out to walk today then thats okay, do a few side bends, put on Chubby Checker and do the twist. Make it your goal to post on the move it to lose it board...I bent over and touched my ankles 5x's today, etc. We will cheer any accomplishment. What about an exercise buddy? Its always easy to put off exercise, but if you have a friend who calls and says okay lets go it makes a difference. I know you would want to leave the house to see those pretty grandbabies. Make them your motivation for leaving and once your out plan on doing something. Go shopping, but park at the end of the parking lot. Every little bit will count. You need to give yourself credit for what you have accomplished so far. This lifestyle change is not easy. I struggle everyday with it as I'm sure a lot of people do. We can do this!!! ~Michelle