Friday Roll Call
Good morning everyone. It is so stiking cold that I said the heck with the train and drive in to work. I did my Friday weigh in and lost over 5 pounds again this week. YAY ME!!! I am over half way to my goal! I have also lost over 80 pounds. This is a good day for me. Now if it would just heat up, I will be REALLY happy.
Hello Everyone! I haven't been around much. Busy busy busy the last month at work and now all I do all day is look at It was nice to be slow for a few days but now...I don't know what to do with myself. Lucy, I am glad to see you on the board again. While I haven't been posting much, I did notice a lack of your presence and I missed you talking about being a lady of the night :) Hope everyone has a great weekend, stay warm!
Hello everyone!
Thanks Michelle for the kind words. I really appreciate it! I made my dietician appointment for Tuesday and my psych consult for the following Monday, so things are starting to progress nicely.
Also.... Cudos to you Barry. 80 pounds is awesome! I can't wait until I will be able to say that.
I am just trying to figure out how I am gonna get all these appointments in and not inconveinence my daycare parents.
Revision on 04/19/13