Thursday Roll Call
Today I have the day off of work, we are so slow this time of year my boss told me to stay home today, which I will gladly do! I hate winter and it's just too cold outside. I will have to go and pick up my oldest from a basketball game he is staying after school for later, but I won't have to get out of the van! lol
Please stay safe and warm today!
I will be finishing up my last test for school before my next class comes and also maybe some cleaning...we shall see.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day
morning all,
I am at work and I really don't wanna be. On days like today, everything should be closed and we all should stay home.
My chair here at work is killing me. I think I lost weight in certain areas that I need the cushioning. I came home hurting everywhere last night. I wonder if I can find a really good pad to use with it. For now, I brought in my kitchen chair pad from home. It helps some, but isn't very ergonomical (sp). I just heard on the radio that the trains are running hours behind. I don't know if that is just in our area or not. I hope Barry is okay today and not freezing waiting for the train. I brought a chicken pot pie for lunch today and it says it is loaded w/ fat, but I am thinking thats from the crust, I hope because I only plan on eating the filling. I am just too tired at night to cook and I want a little bit more variety instead of soup. Everyone have a great day, stay home if you can, if you must go out please dress warm its brutal out. ~Michelle
What's with this weather!?! I don't mind the winter but when it's warmer in Alaska I start to take issue! Oh well, my office is warm and I'm dressed warmly too. It's beautiful looking out the window at the campus with the trees all covered with snow--stick with the positive, that's me.
Stay warm, folks!
It seems we all made it to work. Except for Monica, who is lucky enough to be off, and staying home, At least until later. Connie, I agree, it is pretty outside, just to darn cold! When do you leave on your cruise? Christina, take advantage of your slow time. We don't get many of them. Everyone stay busy, and stay warm. Hugs,
Hi everyone, Well this is day 14 for my dad being life support. This is really taking a toll on my husband and I. I think I am going to do some much needed cleaning around here and do some paperwork. We are seeing baby steps w/ dad, so that's good. My bestfriend had a miscarriage, so I have a meal in the crock pot and homemade bread baking for her. I will bring that to her tonight when the kids go home. Allison, I watch kids too. I have 3 kids plus mine. What fun, but today I am sooo tired! We are going to bed extra early tonight! Went to WW last night and I totally expected a gain because I have been eating like crap! Can you believe it???? I lost .2 Hey, it's a loss. that's a total of 5 pounds now. I have to start working out. I just don't know how people do it when tragity hits the family and they stay on track. Just wanted to pop in and say hi!