Hi Back,
I work at Michael Reese Hospital and Dr. Alverdy did his residency at MRH. I have not met him personally but everyone has only good things to say about him. 2 of my coworkers had lap gast bypass by him and everything went great. its been 5 years since there surgery and they are doing fine. All the Drs that I know personally have given the thumbs up on him and also i researched him.
He has a very good reputation and his surgery rate is 99.9%. Unfortunately I switched my insurance from Humana PPO to BCBS HMO and now I have to go through Rush Chicago.
I am a little worried about these doctors because they do not have the experience that Dr.Alverdy does. Dr Alverdy was one of the 1st Pioneers in this surgery type. Dr Alverdy background in Gastro intestinal makes me feel more comfortable . These Doctors at Rush I'm not too sure about or as comfortable as I was with Dr. Alverdy. If I had a choice I personally would take Dr. Alverdy in a heartbeat. But because of my insurance I can't. Good Luck in you endeavor. Look up theHospital and research him for yourself so at least you can come across so info and it might help you in your decisions. Best of Luck
Jeaniene, thank you so much, I have really gotten nothing but good feedback on dr. Alverdy, and now you have just confirmed it also! That means a lot! since I posted this I have also spoke with my surgeon here, and he also says he is a very good dr. I trust my surgeon here completely, so it made me feel very confident about him,, the reason my dr isn't doing the procedure is because he has never done it, so he is going to help me anyway he can! he has also agreed to do my fills for me, because he has been my surgeon for almost 4 yrs, well, thanks again, everyone that has answered me has been so helpful! I will be checking in with everyone again soon!!! best of luck to you too!!!!! Nancy