Rush University Chicago
Does anyone know about the Doctors at Rush? Dr.Madura, Dr Deziel, and Dr Burtsch. Are these guys any good? Do they do the laparscopic gastric bypass(4 Holes). Have they done at least 500
of these? So many questions and I need feedback from people who have had surgeries done by them. Would you recommend them to anyone else. I am looking for a Dr and would appreciate any Info on these Guys.
Thanks so much
If you look to the left of the screen you will see Find a Bariatric Surgeon. It lists all the drs. OH checks their background and gets info from them. I don't know how up to date Dr Maduras info is, but he does have 48 testamonials on there. Btw, I just had the lap gastric bypass and I had 6 incisions.
Best of luck,