Tuesday Roll Call
I was waiting until I got back from the dr to post today. I lost 7 pounds puting my loss since surgery at 25 pounds.
I started using fitday. It's kind of a pain to use, but I do like how it breaks down how much protein, fat, and carbs I have had for the day. I think if I could cut some of my fat and increase my activity that I would be doing much better. I called the YMCA today. They are offering no sign up fee for the rest of the month. Now if I could just budget it in the monthly fee.
Dawn, I'm so sorry for your loss.
my fingers are crossed that you hear an approval real soon.
Barry, when are we going to get to see a pic w/out the whiskers?
Jen, where are you and how are you?
It looks like we got somewhere between 4-5 inches up here in Lindenhurst. I am lucky that my neighbors have a brother-in-law w/ a plow. He plowed up to the car and that just left me a little bit to shovel. I hope everyone is enjoying the sunny day.
It looks like we are hitting single digits again tonight and below zero tomorrow night.
Everyone have a great day and stay warm tonight

Thanks Dawn,
Sparkpeople was also recommended to me, but fitday was just easier to remember. I think I will give it a try too.
Thank you Monica,
To be honest, I was hoping for about 10 more pounds, but I have to remember that I'm not quite a month post op. This whole water thing is just driving me nuts. The doc said today that I am on water pills and therefore need to drink even more water..uugghh.
I'm just going to put on a happy face and be thankful for what I got!