actually, my girlfriend in TN has been told that public aid will pay for hers. She had WLS under medicare and recently became eligible for TNs public aid insurance. Her dr told her that they would be able to get approval for her documented trouble areas. She is going for tummy and boobs (sorry, I don't know the technical name of the surgeries). While she would love to get her arms and legs done as well, she doesn't have documented sores from them.
I know this doesn't help you much here in IL as all states are different, but there is hope.
Good luck,
I have heard that there are a few plastic surgeons that take IDPA, but you have to have documentation of problems you've had due to hanging skin (rashes, boils), I think they do the apron surgery but doubt that they do arms and breasts....maybe they do if you have proper documentation and pictures. Also, your weight loss surgeon may be able to help you find these plastic surgeons.
Good luck!