Sunday Roll Call

Good Morning IL! It is cold outside and for some reason my dogs don't want to come in when they go out. They love this cold. I am making them come in though, it's WAY too cold for them to be out for too long.
Anywho...I am running to Target today to return dh's coffee maker which has decided to stop working and to get Jacob some new pants. After that it's back home and staying inside until I have to work again on Tuesday.
Mike got called out to work yesterday at about 2:30pm and has yet to come home. He's at a client's business where the computer crashed and they have to get it back up before work again. Please keep in your good thoughts when he has to drive home from Villa Park with NO sleep in over 24 hours.
Hey all,
Well, I'm still on my hormone trip. Jus****ching the news brings me to tears. Last night I got something stuck and had the worse pain ever. My daughter didn't know what to do. All I could do was scream in agony and she wanted to call someone, anyone. Thank goodness she didn't call 911. It finally came up and the pain subsided. Okay, I recently read something about mixing your bites because your food can clump together once it reaches your pouch. My food was throughly pureed, so that must be what happened. I ended up falling asleep with my clothes on and never woke back up for my nightly meds. This morning I am working on water, water, water. I am just not getting enough in and I know it's going to effect my weightloss. I'm never able to get over 40oz in a day. Today I am forcing it down and my goal is to get in 60. I'm thinking it's too cold to get out today, so I'm going to try a pampering day. I'm thinking a facial, manicure, and I am going to dye my hair for the first time ever. The grey hairs have arrived. I would also like to discover a new exercise that I am able to do. With my legs being swelled, walking is a little painful right now. Thats it for my day. What is everyone else doing today? Kim, What a horrible thing to be going thru right now. You dad is in my prayers for a complete recovery. ~Michelle