Saturday Roll Call

Open RNY May 7

Good mornin to all,
Christine, Im glad things are working outmore towards the positve. Ill keep you guys in my prayers.
It sure is cold outside. I just got back in from takking the dog out and that was a quick a trip. I ont really have any big plans today. My husbands grandfather just got admitted to the hospital yesterday and from there heis gettin admitted into the local nursing home. Even though this a good thing it is so sad. He is 92 and has lived complelty independently. He even still drives, well atleast till he drove through the garage door tues. So needless to say that we will be tryin to get his affairs in order.
Take care, have a great day and stay warm

Good morning IL!
It's so darn cold out and I really need to run to the store...just have NO desire to do it. Maybe I'll just wait til tomorrow and go. lol
Tyler had a friend spend the night last night and so other than getting him home, (his mom is coming to pick him up) I really don't have any set plans for today.
I'm doing laundry, want to get my last test for my Anatomy and Phys class out of the way and then do some cleaning out of the cabinets in the kitchen.
so nothing exciting around here.
We went out to breakfast with friends and then a stop at Borders. Now I plan to stay in the rest of the day. I started knitting a pair of socks last night. I haven't done anything on size 3 needles for probably 40 years but finally after three or four restarts they are beginning to look OK. I plan to knit to the football games tomorrow.
Stay warm everyone!
I just woke up and plan on doing some cleaning around here. On my way home from work this am 'it was a brisk -5 in my car. It was so cold, when I got home the dogs would not go out! I had to literally push them out the back door. I feel so badly for them when it is like this. I have about 4 loads of laundry to fold and put away, then I want to clean the laundry room and wash he kitchen and downstairs bathroom floors. I have the kids cleaning their rooms right now ( yes I am delusional to honestly think that is what is going on up there). Personally I think I am being much too ambitious because all I really want to do is sit on the couch and watch reality shows on tv. Tim gets home from work around 4, hopefully he will handle dinner tonight. I tell you sometimes my job just makes me feel 100 years old. Gina