Friday Roll Call
Good morning Chris and everyone else!
So sorry to hear about Dave's job, I will say a prayer for you guys and keep him in my thoughts. I hope he finds the perfect answer soon. As others have said, it is their loss as I know that Dave is a great guy and I am sure he took very good care of his customers.
My boys are leaving for camping this afternoon not to return until Sunday. They may need another adult tomorrow and Todd asked if I would do it. I certainly do NOT want to, but will if we have to. I will just make them turn up the heat in the cabin and stay inside. Spending the afternoon/night with 7 Boy Scouts cooped up in a cabin doe not sound like a good time to me......
If I do not get called for camping duty, Olivia and I will stay inside and maybe get to work on her room. It needs a good clean out.
That's about it for me today, has anyone heard how Tom is doing? Glad to see that Erin is feeling a bit better. It will all come in time. In 6 months, they will not believe how great they feel!
I sure do have my fingers crossed for Monica to hear somrthing soon. I remember the waiting and how absolutely horrible it was......
Everyone please stay warm and have a lovely day (and weekend),
Hi everyone it sure looks cold outside and going to get worse. I had some trouble sleeping back in my own bed overnight ,my back got sore from the hospital bed but found that putting a pillow under my knees helped. Still taking the edge off the pain using the pain meds the Dr. prescribed but that stuff really knocks me down.
Sounds like Erin and I were neighbors in the hospital for a day or so! Thanks everyone for their paryers and thoughts during this time.
Keep warm!
Good Morning Chris and IL,
I am just up and moving and cleaning the house as best as I can. We are working on the kitchen all weekend, UGH.... I need to go and pick out counter top today and my sister in law is coming to help as well... We are suppose to go out to dinner tonight and I will have to see what they have ( Thanks Christine for the suggestions)... So busy weekend ahead of me.... Christine sorry to hear about Dave's Job and you will be in our prayers..... Hope everyone has a great weekend..... Martha