Friday Roll Call

Open RNY May 7

Good morning all,
Chris, sorry to hear about Daves job. Unemployment sucks, hopefully something even better will come along soon.
Congratualtaions to the big publisher. I'm happy for you Amanda.
Wtg Wendi and Jen on your incredible weight loss.
Welcome Tom and Erin to the losers bench.
Yesterday was my first day back to work. It wasn't bad. It was a quiet day and it was so nice not to have a stack of work waiting on me when I walked in the door. I left my voicemail to say that I was still out.
I was really tired when I got home and I don't know how, but I have a heat rash in between my thighs. I have never gotten a rash from pants. On top of that, I'm on some emotional crying trip. You know at times it's almost like being pregnant again with all the hormone changes.
I should be getting ready for work and yet I don't want to leave the comfort of home. It's 7 degrees here in LIndenhurst. It's just way to cold. I admire Lucy for getting out in it this weekend. Not me. I'm staying under the covers.
Have a Happy Friday Everyone,
Good Morning everyone. It's been a couple of days since I've posted...only because I have been kinda depressed lately.
Chris I am sorry to hear about Dave's job, but it sounds like you guys have it under control already. You will be in my prayers.
Amanda that is so cool about your book! congrats!
I have to work today and we are still doing major cleaning there. It's been super slow and my boss has been talking about possibly closing the business. I hope that he gives me plenty of warning if he does. I can't be without a job very long. Money is tight and I need the extra for surgery....IF it ever happens. Still haven't heard from MIchelle that she's submitted anything. It's been 1 1/2 weeks now. oh well.
Tonight Tyler and some friends are going to the movies and then one of the friends is coming home with him to spend the night. Jacob and I will run out to either Target or Wal Mart to get him some pants.
This weekend will be staying inside and doing homework and major housecleaning.....I want to do cabinets and all kinds of stuff.