Thursday Roll Call
Good morning boys and girls of IL. Rise and shine and face the wonderful new day.
Sorry to be so cheerie all the time; that is just my nature. It is a rare day that I am cranky and in a foul mood. I am a morning person. I know that is a stretch for some they would rather
than be cheerie before they are up for at least 2-3 hours.
What ya got cookn' today
Not much for me other than finishing off some work I started at the PD before I went to a meeting yesterday. Dave and I have one errand to do after I get off at 3. Hopefully the snow will not be too bad. My area is only supposed to get one to two inches.
Well, come on in after you are not
and say
(I love those smileys!) Take care one and all. I will try to stop back in later today and catch up on everyone else.

Open RNY May 7
Revision on 04/19/13
Good morning Christine and the rest of my Illinois friends!
Working today, as usual. I have to go to Kohl's at lunch to return one thing and get another thing that I didn't get the other day. After work, I may have to visit the DMV to get the Boy Scout's trailer sticker.
Our meeting with the school concerning David went about the way I expected.......he has a high IQ, so they see no need for special ed. That is OK though.....I have brought it to their attention that he learns in a different way and that he IS trying, not just "lazy" as they like to call him.
We got great news last night for Olivia!!! She entered a poem in a contest through school and was selected to be published in a real book!!!! She is very excited and we are very proud of her. At first, I thought it was just some gimmick to sell books, but it looks like it is for real and a bit of an honor. Her grandmother wants to buy a ton of them, which is how her grandma shows affection and pride.
My boys are going camping this weekend with the Scouts. NOT ME!!!! They will be in a cabin with heat, so I am glad about that, but Olivia and I are planning warm, indoor activities.
That's about it for me for now, everyone have a lovely day!
Hey Dawn, when I was a child I was also called lazy. It turned out I had a high IQ as well. I have later in life read a few studies that say children with high IQ's have a hard time paying attention in school because they aren't being challenged to what they really need. You might want to talk to his teachers and see if there is a more challenging way to teach your son so that he is more engaged.

Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!