Did You Move To Lose Today? Knock Out Punch!
Hey Everyone
It's darn cold here today, but I got my butt out of bed and went to my free boxing class. Ok, I am being so honest here. I go to my gym and take classes and weight lift and have tried a lot of things. I have never in my life had such a work out. The club is new so I was the only one there and had a one on one with a professional lady boxer. We did 10 mins of exercises to warm up, I mean military style stuff and then we worked on the bag and form for all the different punches. There is so much to remember. head, hand*****hes, body movement. Once you get the punches down you do drills where you hit the bag at one pace and then speed it up.
You would have laughed your butt off at me, at the end I couldn't hold my hands up, and I thought I was in pretty good shape. I was sweating like crazy, and as you know us WLS people freeze to death and it's hard to get us to sweat. Then she had the nerve to have me do more exercises on the floor at the end for abs. It was very cool and I ended up signing up for a year. I HATE contract stuff but if I wanted to work out there I had to. Besides, I think I will get more one on one classes until this catches on so that is worth a lot.
I bought my own pair of gloves, do you know what color they were? Guess?
Ok, my friends, Did You Move To Lose and or Maintain Today? Share with us what got your heart pumping and your body sweating?
Stay Strong, Sexy and Sassy

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
Yes, I did. Today was cardio and I added a mile on the bike, with a half mile sprint at between 30 and 35 mph!!!!
Good for you to try new things.....glad to hear that you liked the class enough to sign up. WOW!!!
Although, you know, Janet and I were talking about a different kind of class that might also be fun.....
Have a great day, stay warm and strong!

Ok I will bite, what class were you guys thinking of doing pole dancing? I hear that is a great workout. Just no one better be filming it
I was thinking about not posting this here since there were not to many responses... but I would miss ya.
Keep it going girl!!!
Take care,

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125
RW:190 - CW:130
I was switching channels the other day and came across a show about Vegas. There is a class there called "Stripper 101". It looked like a blast.....they had a bachelorette party taking the class. The teacher talked about how it is such a confedence booster for the students! Who couldn't use more confidence?
Since I bought my wedding dress my butt has been back at the gym EVERYDAY except one (okay so there have only been 10 days since I bought the dress but still).
I have already been, done an hour of spin, home and showered and it is not even 6:30 yet.
I am happy to hear that you are doing so well. You had such a tough time, I am glad you are back!