Sunday Roll Call
Good morning IL and how is everyone this morning? Well, HEY HEY we have one more day to the weekend for those of you that do not work on S & S. WOOHOO!
What is cookn' in your part of the universe today? I am going to put away some of my Christmas decorations in the dining and living rooms. BOOHOO - the house looks so bare when I do that. I will leave several of my 29 nativities still up in the family room plus the wreath over the fireplace. I also leave an artificial tree up in my three season room all year round. We will light it through out the year for a glow and pretty lighting when we just want to sit and talk out there. The 29 nativities are just part of the Christmas collection of various things that I have. I have an equal amount of salt and pepper shakers, German smokers, Santas, snowmen, candle pyramids, 50+ year old ornaments, animated dolls and bears etc.
Yesterday I got a lot more trash outside to go to the curb for garbage collection tomorrow. It feels so good to purge the junk. That is something that I did not have any energy for years ago to do. I came up with a bunch of ideas for the organizing down there and elsewhere in the house. Unfortunately I need to curb the spending because this Tuesday is "Black Tuesday" for all the employees in Dave's work division. His portion of Tyco was bought by an investment company and the word is out that announcements will be made when the employees heads are to roll.
I keep thinking that Dave does not have to worry because he is a private contractor and does not get benefits or salary, he works on straight commission. They will roll the heads of the salaried employees first, hopefully. Noone hopefully will get let go, but that is not realistic thinking because that is always what happens in a situation like this. He already got the bad news of who his boss will be and it was a guy that was a pure a## wipe, someone that he had before.
Well need to
and futz around downstairs and putting things away from the decorations into their bins. We also need to drive to Ottawa for the wake later today. Take care.

Open RNY May 7
Revision on 04/19/13
Good Morning Christine and the rest of the board.
Its Sunday and DH is off! that is fab by itself, since he gets very few Sundays off.
Christine, leave yourself 1.75 to 2:00 for your drive to Ottawa today. That is only about 20 min from where I live, and Amanda (Lippy) lives in Ottawa itself.
We want to go to Sam's today, not sure yet. I would like to get a few things done around here, but there is always next weekend.
DH just dragged himself out of bed, so, I guess I can be nice and make him some breakfast.
Lisa, thanks for the heads up on the time for the drive. We had figured it would be about that amount of time and I also did a Google search on the funeral home a short while ago to get the directions. Looks like it is mostly expressway for the trip.
ps I trained my DH years ago to get his own food, LOL No, actually Dave always liked to cook and I rarely need to cook. Dave always says that I "burn" water anyways. I am the youngest of seven and my mom ran out of teaching steam when it came to the cooking dept. She did teach me to clean real well and when I put my mind to it the house is spic 'n span.
Open RNY May 7
Good morning everyone! I am watching a few snowflakes flutter by my windows and the birds are at the feeder stocking up. I've been working on my closet for a few days now--just about done. I made some hamburger stroganoff last night using all lowfat ingredients and it was pretty good. I used spaghetti squash for the noodles. I went to the grocery store yesterday and was reading labels on all kinds of things I hadn't liked in the past. My partner thought I got lost. I'm not the shopper in the family!
Have a good folks!
Hi IL board,
Connie....that beef stroganoff w/spaghetti squash for the noodles sounds divine !! YUM!!
Last night was awful at work...they have PPO's (probationary police officers-still in the academy) working with the units that I dispatch and it was TERRIBLE!! These guys and gals have no radio skills, and I work a pretty fast-paced radio frequency...we have about 200-400 officers in one particular specialized unit..and there are others using the frequency, too. And then there is me...the one person on the dispatch end of things...I am so outnumbered!!!!! LOL. They kept cutting themselves and each other out on the radio...and a few of them were not sure where they were at on traffic stops. That is a VERY DANGEROUS thing...I did the best I could with the situation, but I'm not looking forward to tonight's shift.
I was soooo glad to get home this morning to my three little dogs. They were so happy to see me, so I guess I must not be all that bad, eh? LOL. We took a walk this afternoon and that seemed to help get a lot of things in perspective for me. In the past, I would have taken solace in food....what a different life I am now leading.