OK, which way did I go?
Well, I know that I have not posted for a few days, but it has been nuts to say the least
. I have been working pretty hard as I am trying to still get caught up on all the work that piled on my desk while I was gone. School had started up this past Tuesday, and I am trying to get the assignments done for this week. Then to top it all off, I had to take my husband to the emergency room yesterday, as he got a really bad inner ear infection that more or less had him
. They then decided to keep him overnight, as even with a double dose of the anit nausea medicine he was still having to purge. So, I spent most of my day at the VA hospital. Then this morning, I spent the day at work trying to make up the missed time.
Well, the scale finally decided to move, and I am glad to say that I have now lost 14 lbs
. I am starting to get bored with food, and I am wanting something different. But, I am making it a point to get in most if not all of my protein.
That is it for now.....

Revision on 04/19/13
Hi Wendi.
Sorry to hear about your DH, I know inner ear problems can play havic with you. I am glad you are starting to show a weight lost, it will keep going now. You are sounding like one busy lady.
Don't forget to leave a few min. for Wendi.
I'm a bit late in posting but I hope, by now, your hubby is feeling better.
Don't forget to take care of you and get that protein and fluid in. You need to keep healthy.
What are you eating now? Are you still on puree or are you on to soft foods?
I'm sure if you ask you can get some suggestions or some good receipts that might help.
Regards and hugs,
