I just have to share... (Recipes)
Pumpkin Protein Muffin Pies
22 Fl oz can pure pumpkin
6 scoops vanilla protein powder (mine has 110 cals, 21 protein per scoop)
12 oz can evaporated skim milk
6 large eggs or egg substitute equivilent
3/4 cup sugar twin brown sugar substitute
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp nutmeg
Preheat oven to 400. Mix sugar and spices in a small bowl, set aside. Lightly whip 6 eggs in a large bowl, add in pumpkin and mix thoroughly before sprinkling in sugar mix. Blend protein powder and milk in a separate bowl with a hand mixer, then add to the pumpkin bowl mixing well before filling 18 lightly greased muffin tins. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes, reduce heat to 300 and cook for 40 - 50 minutes (I have a gas stove and took it out after 30 mins). Pies are cooked when a knife is inserted into the middle and comes out clean. Once cool, top with light whipping cream if you wish or a mixture of FF cream cheese, splenda and vanilla or maple extract to taste to make a “frosting”. Store muffins in refrigerator, do no freeze.
Makes 18 servings (for some reason I get 21 if I use egg substitute
For 18 servings using egg beaters: Cals 84, fats 3, carbs 6 and, protein 12. Enjoy!
1 package cream cheese = 16 protein
1 package Jello SF cheesecake instant pudding mix = 0 protein
½ C Peanut butter =28 protein
2 C silk reg = 12 protein
1 heaping scoop vanilla protein powder = 25 protein
Soften cream cheese add cream cheese, peanut butter, pudding mix, milk or silk, protein powder to blender blend until smooth. Put in fridge. ready to eat in about an hour.

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ooh the peanutbutter ones sounds yummy. I think I can have peanutbutter in week 4 (I'll have to check).
This would be the perfect replacement for that stupid commercial for the new Reeses whipped candy bar. What type of vanilla protein do you use? I'm still looking at different Protein supplements especailly if I can purchase them from the store instead of online. I had a problem with a powdered one and have been afraid to try another one. ~Michelle

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