Saturday Roll Call

Wow, you are up early. Yeah, sometimes my energy wains but lately it is going strong. I will pretty much have the basement almost put back together today. That is where I am headed here in a few minutes.
We have lunch to serve at church this afternoon then we will stay for the evening's service and hopefully meet up with some friends that are also members and go out to dinner and catch up with each others comings and goings since the holidays. Tomorrow we will drive to Ottawa for a visitation of a long time friend, Jean Sulek who died suddenly on Wednesday. I am not looking forward to that. It really hits home when those you love die and she was only 60.
Well, need to get moving.
Have a great day all.
Open RNY May 7
Good morning Illinois! Well, I read all the cleaning and organizing others are doing and I cleaned out my closet and some adjoining storage and found some clothes that fit now and a huge pile of things that are too big. Yeah! Thanks for motivating me even if it wasn't your intention. Now today I have to deal with the pile but that's OK.
My partner and I are going out for coffee later at the Cannoli Cafe (best coffee in Rockford). I have even figured out a few things on the menu that I can have if I don't eat the bread, but it's just nice to sit in front of the fireplace and hang out for a while. (I'll save you local folks a reply by saying it's on Bell School Rd just north of Guilford).
Have a good day everyone!

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