Monday Roll Call
Revision on 04/19/13

Well, happy afternoon to one and all. I was still a little beat this morning but managed to stumble through the day at work.
I just got home from going to Menard's and Home Depot to PU a tray for under our live Christmas tree for next year. the tray keeps the water from going everywhere if you overfill the tree. I got that 1/2 off and it was in a big box to go back to overstock. Then went over to the Depot to get a 24" deep 5 shelf PVC storage unit. I am tired of all our serving pieces, large Tupperware and crock pots being a hodge podge in the basement. Now they will be organized.Need to go and get the kitchen floor washed so it is spic 'n span.
Open RNY May 7