Surgery upcoming and I am nervous
Well my surgery is scheduled for the 15th of this month with Dr. Lahmann and I am nervous. I am trying to find every reason why i shouldn't do but then i find every reason why i should. What helps are the posts from so many phenomenal people who have been through the surgery. You have no idea how helpful it is to read about other experiences and to know i am not alone. I am going through the fast right now and needless to say i want to eat the paper in the printer. But i can do this and i have begun excercising and fantasizing about buying smaller clothing. Well i just wanted to vent a little bit and now i feel better. To all who have been through the surgery i wish you well and plenty of success on your WLS journey!!

It's normal to have the feelings and emotions you are struggling with right now. It's scarry stuff but I trust you will be so happy you went thru with it a few weeks from now. The liquid diet is hard but keep focused on the end result. When you complete that liquid diet it will be your big day and then onto a new healthier, happier you!
You can do this! Which surgery are you having? I wish you much happiness and success on your journey.

Hi Deputycorrect2009, I am also scheduled for surgery the 15th. I have been on soft foods since the 3rd, and start my clear liquids tomorrow. I have been struggling as well with all of the reasons that I should not go through with this but nothing will change if I don't. It's going to be difficult time but hopefully in the long run things willwork out. Tom
Hey, you're human. Its normal to be nervous when making such a big decision. But you've made it for all the right reasons. I don't know which type of surgery you've choosen but try and use a "future focus" Think about this time next year if you didn't have the surgery. Then think about this time next year when you do have the surgery. And you have a healthier, happier and yes, thinner you!
Keep your eye on that prize and you'll do just fine!!
Here's my wish to you for an uneventful surgery and a smooth and easy recovery.
Regards and hugs,
