Friday Morning Roll Call
Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!
Good morning all,
I am just contemplating my walking regimine for the day. I basically just waddle, but I try to do it for at least 15 minutes everyday. Yesterday, Wendi and I went to our post-surgery class. I think I might pull out one of the exercises that they gave us and give it a try. Baby steps for now and before long it will become a habit.
Everyone have a great day. It looks like Sunday we will be close to 50 degrees.
Open RNY May 7
Good evening everyone~ Today was ALOT better for me. I didn't have the kids today, so I took advatage of that time and did some returns and exchanges. Went to Hobby Lobby and Chicago Home Fitness to look at ellipticals. Hubby knows how down I have been, so he is encouraging me to go buy a GOOD one so we can work out together. I was looking at the Precore cross ramp ones. They are very easy on the joints and has a incline. They have them in stock, so I might be working out by this weekend. My WW's is going good so far. I have not cheated and I have stayed in my point range everyday now! I have found out that it's not hunger really, but the grazing and the hand going to the mouth and chewing thing for me. I have been chewing alot of gum!!!! Last night Ryan made big salads w/ grilled chicken and eggs in it. Maddie even liked it! Things are going better w/ Maddie. I talked to her teacher today and things have been straightend out. Maddie and I are going to Barnes and Noble for Pajama Story Time and home to make a fire and snuggle on the couch! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and stay safe!!!!! Pam and Lucy....I miss you..I hope you guys are doing okay. I have been thinking of you guys alot!!!! Pam.....lets go do coffee (for me a diet coke) again. That was fun !!!!!!!