Finally Home

on 12/31/07 6:41 pm - Lindenhurst, IL
They started preparing me to go home today a little before Wendy and then suddenly it was if they forgot about me.  I ended up seeing two specialist from one group, I was there so long.  I think my nurse went out for lunch or maybe just left.  Finally at 2:00 the head nurse came and told my husband I was free to go.  I showed her the two iv's I still had in and told her I still didn't have any discharge papers.  She apologized and got everything going and I was out of there around 2:30. I asked hubby to stop by GNC so I could get some isopure to try.  I also ended up getting cytospor****ermellon flavor.  It's pretty tasty.  I passed all of these restaurants on the way home and I wanted them all.  Do the cravings ever stop? We dropped off my prescriptions and hubby and my daughter unloaded the car.  They got me settled in the recliner and I was out for most of the night.  I woke up for about an hour for dinner and meds then I made it was to the bedroom for bed. If I can only hold 2 oz at a time and a bottle of isopure has 40g of protein, but you have to drink the whole 20oz first.  How in the world am I suppose to get all of my protein in?  I feel like I'm already failing at this. ~Michelle
on 12/31/07 9:38 pm - Western 'Burbs Chgo, IL
No, the cravings really do not go away. Remember the doctor changed your tummy not your brain, you have to change your brain. I will say that the cravings get easier because you can control them with the volume of food you can get in. Also, remember a human is programmed to eat and chew and this is a physiological and a physcological way for our bodies to satisfy hunger. You want to chew and there is something very satisfying about it. You will be hungry a little while on liquids and that will change once you can have solid food in the form of puree'd foods. There is a stretching of the pouch at that time and you will be so surprised how fast you get full with just a couple of tablespoons or less of food. Do not worry about getting all of your protein in in the very beginning. You will be able to get more in shortly, say at about the 1-2 month time frame. Concentrate on sipping your liquids at the schedule that they gave you so you stay hydrated. And remember water in = water out in the poopy department. You may have the runs all the while you are on liquids and it will go away after you get puree'd foods.  I snooped around a little when I was up to see Wendi, thought I saw you walking at the end of the other hall from her but was not really sure. But since I did not know your last name I could not ask for you and with HIPPA laws they would not have told me where you were. Christine  &

Open RNY May 7


Lisa Tucker
on 12/31/07 11:20 pm - Streator, IL
Revision on 04/19/13
 Out The Door 


Start Weight   330
Current          219    BMI 38  I am in the normal range!!!
Goal Weight  180


Monica G.
on 1/1/08 12:06 am - North Aurora, IL
Well I am glad that you made it home Michelle! You are not failing and will do fine.



on 1/1/08 12:29 am - Lindenhurst, IL

Christine, I'm sure it was me you saw walking in the hospital.  That was the only way they said to relieve the gas pain, so thats what I did.

I'm making out a grocery list and instead of sending the family by themselves to get it, I"ll probably go just for the exercise.  My hallway is only so long and it's way to cold and nasty to walk outside.   I know that they want us to get in at least 60g of protein, but I'm not even getting in 20g.  As I am only on this for a week and everyone tells me not to worry, I won't.  I just need a lot of protein in an extremely small quantity and I also want it to taste decent.  Am I asking for too much?  Does anyone know of such a product.   ~Michelle

Wendi W.
on 1/1/08 12:36 am - Waukegan, IL
Michelle,  Wow, was there any reason for seeing the extra specialists?  I would have not been so patient to wait until two to get out of there.  Oh well, now you are home.  I too found it hard to drive by all those food places I love to eat in, and to make it more difficult my DH made some of those frozen pizzas for him and our son for dinner and it smelt so good.  The thought of just liking the emply plate crossed my mind, but I made sure that my husband got rid of any left overs, and washed the dishes.  As I was watching tv last night I got to craving cheese, summer sausage, and crackers.   I found that special K now puts out on of thos water mixers with protein in it.  each pack contains 5 grams, so doing a couple of those a day can help.  If it is any help, I think of this as getting a new piece of electronic equipment and it taking awhile to figure out how to work it properly.  Hang in there, just remember you are not alone in this.  

on 1/1/08 1:05 am - Lindenhurst, IL

You know how we saw the lady from Dr Harts office.  Well, later on a Dr from the office was making rounds and stopped in to see me as well.  No there wasn't any problems at all.  I just think that since I was still there and I was on the list he thought he would check me out.  I never did see my nurse for the rest of the day. 

I know what you mean about licking the plate.  They made meatballs in BBQ sauce.  It's not even something that I particularly like, but oh how I thought about chewing and spitting it out.  I of course knew that it would tear up my stomach for sure and didn't.  I keep thinking about stringy cheese pizza.  I want it, but  I want this more or so I keep telling myself.


on 1/1/08 1:10 am - Harvard, IL
Hi Michelle! Welcome home!!! Happy New Year! What a great start to 08! I hope your recovery is smooth! Jenn
 Jennifer  RNY 10/02/07 
Before/Current 427/235                                                                                                                                                 
Janet H.
on 1/1/08 2:07 am - Golden Valley, AZ
Hi Michelle and welcome to the loser bench, and home, Don't worry about getting in all your protein the first month or two, it will take you time, just make sure you keep sipping all day on water or protein drink,  you will do just fine,

      Success begins with wise choices I make,I will not let noncompliance be my mistake, The surgery I had was to assist me in changes. My compliance is for a success long range, So I will think before I decide to cheat. Remember the goals I want to meet. For this surgery is not something I was force to do It was what I wanted for a healthy life!       



on 1/1/08 3:13 am - Lindenhurst, IL
Thank you all for your support.  I'm no longer going to worry about my protein for now.   You know, 10 years ago I had my gallbladder removed.  My husband was remarking at how much better I am doing from this surgery than back then.  They were both laproscopic, but it's amazing how I'm able to move and I have zero pain with this surgery.  I don't know if it's all the prayers and blessings I received in the hospital or if Dr Rantis is just a miracle worker.  All in all I feel great! ~Michelle
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