Just Curious
Revision on 04/19/13
I don't remember having one.
I DO know that I have begun the dreaded exercise program, so I will resolve to continue, even though 4 am comes REALLY early.
For 2008, I will not make and actual resolution either, but I will hope to be able to be happy with who I am, even if I never reach "goal weight".
Happy New year to you and your family!
I had an obscene weight goal for myself. I wanted to be under 250 pounds. Seeing as I started the year at 310, I thought it was such a long shot, that even if I got in to the 260's I would be happy. Well I missed it by 1 pound. 1 POUND!!!!! I can't believe I nearly hit it. I guess I am going to make a goal weight for 2008 as 175 pounds. 75 pounds in 08, can I do it?
I had two...thanks Willow for creating a Yahoo Group so I could go back and see what they were...
1. Get Plastic Surgery to have my extra skin around my middle and
thighs removed...I've only been saying I'm going to do this for a year
now (I've even had two consultations with Dr. Madry...but now I'm
wondering about Dr. Katzen in CA since he will try to get insurance
approval..unlike Madry). I'm going to the Grand Canyon in June and
really want the extra skin gone by then.
Accomplished in February. Had the skin removed but need a revision on my inner thighs as the PS didn't pull tight enough. Have no idea when I'll do that.
2. Finish what I started last year. In May 2006, I started skydiving
lessons in hopes of getting my A license in 2007. I did a tandem dive
in 2005 and an accelerated freefall jump in May 2006. I was planning
on making several more jumps in 2006 until I broke my arm in a
construction accident in late July and spent all of August and part of
September in a cast. Kind of put the whole jumping out of planes thing
on hold. But it's full steam ahead in 2007...depending on when I get my
plastics done as that is first priority.
This one fell through the cracks thanks in part to the high gas prices and me owning a SUV. Plus, with travel, competing in agility with my Akita, and getting a Border Collie pup in September, I just didn't have the money or time. Maybe eventually, I'll get my skydiving license.
As for 2008, my resolution is to make no more resolutions. That way, I have no pressure to get things done.